
Asociatia EDUNET
Association EDUNET
Srada Basarabia nr. 2, Bl E2 ap 19, 200056 Craiova/Romania


Victor Dudau (president)

The aim of the “EDUNET” association is to make a platform of services and resources for the promotion of lifelong education, for supporting professional education, the education for active citizenship and for lasting development.

For accomplishing these objectives, the “EDUNET” offers of formal, non-formal and informal learning aiming to promote;
-  activities of supporting the adults for achieving the abilities and competences necessary to personal development and for professional integration and active citizenship;
- activities of supporting the vocational education and moulding of quality and the transition from school at active life;
- activities of continuous professional moulding and of connecting of lifelong learning with the  labor market;
-activities of preparing the teachers and trainers;

Edunet offers solutions of learning foreign languages and of moulding and developing the digital competences.

Short description of the association PDF

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